Image by Tomislav Jakupec from Pixabay
Getting started….
The purpose of this site is to document my work and progress along my journey into mobile development.
I believe in simplicity and I am always looking to find ways to improve myself by education. My journey began right out of school around 2005. I attended a technical trade school with the course work geared toward Networking and Network Security. Upon graduation, I pursued a different career path in retail management. This was suppose to be a temporary path.
After a few years later I decided to pursue the career path I was educated in. During many of the interviews, I recognized a growing theme. The education I received would be either a contract based job or the individual employers were looking for at the time wanted a “jack of all trades” in the technology field. More specifically, they wanted a person with web design experience and database management.
This is where it started. I began working on HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP and mySQL. Eventually this turned into Java applets then finally now into Android App Development.
I stepped away for a few years due to a growing family and time constrains. I am now starting back.

Image by Jorge Guillen from Pixabay
intent moving forward
My focus is now to educate myself as much as possible in the ever evolving mobile app development.
I plan to create posts of my projects as well as information I learn along the way with hopes this can help someone else.